"We really appreciated the opportunity to be part of your wonderful effort. You made it easy to help with your marvelous organization of boxes." This was a remark from one of our recent hosts.

We thought you might want to know the passionate effort that goes into creating our exhibitions.

Of course, the biggest efforts come from the amazing artists that share their valuable time and talents to meet with the brave and gracious families and friends of the victims and create the powerfully moving portraits.

At the start of each exhibition, the portraits are delivered to us and packaged so as to protect them while they travel throughout the year. Each box is labeled with an image of the portrait, its name, and handling instructions. The boxes, between 20 and 30 for each of the exhibitions, are loaded into a van Tetris style with each move.

At each host venue they are unloaded, unboxed, and installed according to a plan made previously using thumbnail images and layout of each gallery space. The boxes are then consolidated as much as possible and stored at the venue.

Installation varies and often demands very creative solutions! At one host, we had to cover sconce lights with baking parchment paper to diffuse the lighting. We have had to jury rig a system to hang work over sets of shelves, use wire to attach work to columns, put hooks on a rail 12 feet from the ground, to name a few challenges.

The labels need to be affixed to walls with putty or other non-paint removing tape and have to be carefully handled to look their best for the duration. There are also gallery copies of the catalogs to prepare, catalog sales signs and inventory of books, donation stations, guest books and flyers to place, signs for outside the venues, and promotions online.

After one month, or sometimes more, we do it all again. “We” are wonderful volunteers who take the time to help with all of these aspects of the project. “We” are committed to keeping these portraits, these souls, on view to make the special connection with all who see them.

The violence must stop. Our efforts are earnest and we are making a difference. Thank you to all who have contributed to this project and thank you in advance to all who will keep us going.