Philadelphia Exhibition Moves to an Historic Host

With the invaluable help of two Chirstines and one Bruce we took down the exhibition from Oak Street Health in Wyncote and installed at historic Cliveden, in the visitor center, in Germantown.

We are grateful to Oak Street Health for the interaction with the local community as well as local community outreach leaders and organizations.

At Cliveden, where the beautiful grounds and historic home draw many visitors from the area and well beyond, the portraits will share in telling the story of a history of avoidable tragedies. The bullet holes in the walls of the main house at Cliveden are from guns used to fight a revolution. The bullets felling our community members now should make us pause and reflect on what we have done with the freedoms that our ancestors fought for.

Installing at Cliveden.

Many thanks to our wonderful volunteers, hosts, artists, and grieving loved ones who make our exhibitions possible and help to activate visitors and viewers to commit themselves to doing what they can do to end the violence.

Laura MadeleineComment